The tiny monkey wants to navigate his way down through five different levels: Jungle, Canyon, Falls, Volcanos and Sky Scrapes. You have to help him by using the arrow keys to move the monkey to the right or left and jump from one platform to another.
The monkey has to go down, not touching the ceiling which is full of prickles and spikes that will kill our little friend. You have a life bar that will decrease when the monkey reaches those spikes or some dangerous platforms that are incandescent in the volcano, full of prickles in the jungle,,... You can heal the monkey by jumping to a safe platform, each jump to a safe platform will mean a small increase of the life bar until it will be full.
Primate Plunge is really addictive, it is easy to play and it seems simple but it keeps you playing to have a new record in each level. Monkey will find help along the way in the form of exciting powerups, including parachutes and jetpacks!
We love Primate Plunge, an addictive and colorful game with an addictive music suitable for both adults and children.
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